The story is based on rural lifestyles and lower-middle-class people. Arjun Ghimire and Kumar Kattel are the writers/directors of the Show. The show is produced by JPT Creation Pvt. It is one of the most viewed Television Programs in Nepal.
Krishna arjun episode 4 serial#
And Krishna left the body.Sakkigoni is a Nepali TV Serial Broadcasting every Thursday on Himalaya TV.
In the initial shock and pain of being pierced in the heel, Krishna lurched a bit, then he smiled and closed his eyes. An arrow pierced Krishna’s heel, with the arrowhead that the hunter had picked up on the beach. A hunter, who was hunting in the forest, saw the movement through the bush, thought it was a deer, and shot it. He went and sat under a banyan tree, with his leg outstretched, and he started shaking it. Everything was going according to script, as it should. There was a little sadness, but he smiled. Krishna saw how his children Pradyumna, Samba, and others, were all involved in the fight.
They say he became Adi Shesha, Vishnu’s bed. Seeing this, Balarama was greatly distressed and decided to leave his body. The great city of Dwaraka was filled with the wailing of the widows, mothers, and children, because most Yadava men had killed each other. A kind of civil war happened in which the Yadavas decimated themselves. The Yadavas beat and killed each other with these weeds. They say the weeds were as hard as steel. When that was not enough, they went and plucked weeds that were growing near the beach, and these weeds had caught the shards of iron from the mace that Samba had crushed and thrown into the ocean. Now they started beating each other with their hands and sticks. Otherwise, because of the way these guys were drinking, they would have pulled out their swords or bow and arrow anytime and used them. Foreseeing this, Krishna and Balarama had confiscated the Yadavas’ weapons. And you call yourself a warrior!” This initial debate grew into an argument, then a brawl, then a fight, then it became a battle. Otherwise, I would have taken your head off.” So Kritavarman said, “I know whose head you can take off – an old man’s whose fighting arm has been severed. Only because you are a coward, you survived the war. In the heat of bragging, Satyaki accused Kritavarman, “You fought against us on the side of Kauravas.
It made sense only to them because they had lost their sense.Īgain, they were discussing the Kurukshetra war. They talked the same old rubbish every time. As the alcohol content in the body kept increasing, the stories kept getting longer and longer. Whenever they got drunk, the discussion was always the Kurukshetra war, “How I killed this guy!” or “You know what I did to that one?” – all this macho talk and bragging happened – one story taller than the other. When people get drunk, the same conversations come back again and again. The dust that Samba had thrown in the ocean, the ocean threw it back on the beach, where weeds were growing. A hunter walked by, saw this sharp piece of metal, thought it would make a good arrowhead, and took it with him. Fearing that it may destroy his clan, he took it to the beach, smashed it into powder, and threw it in the ocean – except for one last piece that he could not beat into dust and left it there. Krishna’s son Samba went to them along with his friends, dressed as a pregnant woman, and asked the sages, “Tell me, will I have a boy or a girl?” The sages looked at him and said, “You have the imprudence to come, disturb our way of life, and try to fool us? You will deliver an iron mace, and that mace will be the end of you and your filthy clan.” So Samba delivered an iron mace. “You have the imprudence to come, disturb our way of life, and try to fool us? You will deliver an iron mace, and that mace will be the end of you and your filthy clan.”